straight guys sucking

Learn why straight guys suck dick

By: Adam in Detroit

I won't prevarication to you. I dearest watching directly guys suck dick. Moreover, I really get into blowing guys who identify every bit direct.

You probably call up that's messed up but for me to pen this piece, I just demand to be existent up with you.

The commencement time I sucked off a direct guy, I was 22 years old. His name was Mike and we played football game back in loftier school. Information technology happened over the summer (during higher interruption) in his parent'south garage.

I'll never forget information technology. He fired up some 420 and started toking. Before I knew information technology, we were swapping head up confronting the trunk of a Chevy Impala.

The dude had a very thick  dick like a coke can. It was so hot.

I had hooked up with other guys before but virtually of them were cypher like Mike. That's considering the other dudes were bi or full on gay.

But Mike was equally hetero equally you go. Girlfriend, body architect -plus he loved hunting and fishing.

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Afterward the first time it, nosotros establish ourselves regularly draining each other out when nobody was effectually. Sometimes it even happened merely earlier he was about to hang with his girlfriend.

The lessons I learned from that unabridged summer with Mike accept lasted me a lifetime.

The major accept-away is this.

Straight guys suck dick a lot more than than you lot think!

What follows are 7 reasons that straight guys suck dick based on personal experience. I'll besides lead you lot to information on how to find these types of men.

OK, check it out!


1. Directly guys are curious

The number one reason direct guys suck dick on the DL is because they are curious. Don't permit anyone tell you otherwise. In my experience, they desire to know:

  • What some other dick feels like in their hand
  • How i feels in their mouth
  • Techniques to teach their girlfriends
  • How their cock compares to other guys

If you've always watched video of direct guys sucking dick, yous already know that most of them practise it because they are curious. It's a guy thing. Because men are wired to exist competitive, it's just part of the mural.

ii. Straight guys liked getting diddled

Another acme reason directly guys suck dick relates to the sensation of getting sucked off. Certain, they like sticking their junk in a vagina but at the cease of the day, they really prefer a good old-fashioned blow chore.

Hither's why:

  • Information technology'south elementary
  • They don't consider it "gay"
  • Usually quick and fast

I'll clue you in more about this in just a scrap simply heterosexual men are usually downward for a quickie anytime of the day. Exist sure to read this story about a straight guy who sucked dick at piece of work with a guy he supervised.

3. Prove Straightness

I've personally had my load swallowed by 3 men who were married and identified as straight for this reason. Believe information technology or not, some guys will suck off another guy to show they aren't gay.

Have yous always hooked up with a adult female to see if you liked information technology? How near to prove to yourself that you weren't completely gay? Well, in many ways that'southward how directly guys remember when they suck dick.

In other words, they are trying to demonstrate to themselves that they actually are straight. Sometimes, this ways that they'll permit another guy swallow them but they won't reciprocate.

It just depends on the dude (if that makes sense).

straight guys in prison
Straight men in prison

4. Solitude

Some guys cease upwards giving brojobs to one another because they are confined in the same space together. This is a very common experience in the armed forces.

When I was 25-years sometime, I was in the Marine Corp at Camp Pendleton. There was a curious guy I would regularly get with. He wasn't gay but because we were in basic training for 12 weeks, we were in close quarters. In fact, lots of direct guys in the military do this blazon of thing.

There are other situations where same sexual activity hookups happen with men. A big 1 is in prison. I'thou talking federal penitentiaries and prison camps.

On this i, I tin can't say it happened to me but I do have a buddy who was sent for substance distribution. When he got out, he told me how straight guys forced him to suck their dicks while locked upwardly.

He also said those same directly guys held him downwardly while they sucked his dick.

Crazy simply true.

5. Male Bonding

Not too long ago, a scientific written report was released that showed men who identified as straight bonded improve with other guys when compared to women.

1 of the reasons cited in the study was because they felt les judge by their buds. Now information technology'due south important to point out this was a minor study using young straight guys just.

But still, it helps to explain why dick sucking amidst straight guys is a safe activity for many.

Part of bonding is emotional closeness. This invariably leads to physical touching. Over the course of fourth dimension, the bonding becomes more than intimate. Eventually, information technology leads to something oral.

Stress relief
Stress relief is a biggie

6. Men Sucking Dick is Stress Relief

Speaking of scientific studies, an of import one came out in 2016 that explored the concept of bud sex activity (see link). The research centered on heterosexual men who live in rural America.

The data showed that many guys who alive outside of the big cities like sucking off a close buddy when their wives aren't around.

Key finding: They don't consider themselves gay.

In fact the minute you mention that word, the party is over. Only if using that term can be avoided, swapping oral is completely OK.

Just remember, they don't talk most it.

vii. Gay for Pay

A terminal reason many straight guys will suck dick is because they are going gay for pay. At present hear me out because you probably are thinking what?

I'm the outset to say that nether the normal gay for pay scenario, the norm is the gay dude pays to blow the direct guy. That said, there are situations where information technology tin exist the other mode around.

An example is mutual allure. In this situation, the hetero guy is attracted to the other human being and uses money as a permission slip to accident him.

The other example is pure coin. In other words, some straight guys are then broke that they'll do anything for greenbacks. I know an auto-mechanic who regularly does oral on a buddy of mine for a sure dollar amount.

When you lot're broke and hard up, you'll practice anything to survive.

Swallowing and Straight Guys

I thing I beloved doing that I'm non aback to admit is swallowing a straight guy's load. You lot'll hear all sorts of stuff online but I'm hither to tell y'all these guys gustation astonishing.

I recognize that part of the "flavor" is psychologically based. But in the terminal analysis, the cease result is a yummier load. Well, at least for me.

What I've discovered is that some straight boys will swallow you back if in that location is a decent amount of trust. Seriously, they volition. Merely here's the affair. It takes time.

Several years ago, I was hooking upwards with this married guy who was the able-bodied director at a local college. To expect at him, yous'd never know the dude sucked dick.

Subsequently we started doing our thing, he asked me i day what cum tasted like. Because our relationship with direct and real, I told him he should try information technology.

Once he agreed, that's what happened. Our but rule was that later saying information technology was absurd, he had to swallow. So sure enough, simply every bit I was about to nut, he tried to pull away. But I forced his caput over my stick and shot a behemothic load down his pharynx.

He gagged a scrap but ultimately swallowed information technology.

Over time, he started draining me without the gag – and without being forced. But like I said, this i takes a lot of time because of the trust factor.

Direct guys honey getting sucked off

Straight Dick Sucking Wrap Up

If y'all are into straight guys sucking each other off, I encourage you lot to visit this straight NSFW video site. It's a cool identify to get realistic ideas on how some of this works.

Don't ever be ashamed that you are into heterosexual men getting it on with each other. Permit'southward be real – it'due south totally hot. Plus, there's something cool about watching direct guys explore one another.

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